The essays presented in this volume investigate the relationship between cinema and ontology. This investigation unfolds, on the one hand, through an ontological understanding of cinema, that is, an understanding of the specificity of if its being. On the other hand, it highlights the ways in which cinema can help us to shed some light on the domain of ontology, namely, what exists. The five sections of this volume, each containing a pair of complementary essays, analyse the following topics: the place of cinema in the system of the arts, the connection between cinematic realism and philosophical realism, the transition from analog to digital cinema, the specificity of films made through cell phones, and the representation of non-human animals in films.
Book details
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About the author
Maurizio Ferraris
Maurizio Ferraris is full Professor of Philosophy at the University of Turin, where he is the Deputy Rector for Humanities Research and the President of the LabOnt – Center for Ontology. He is columnist for “La Repubblica” and for “Neue Zürcher Zeitung”, Director of “Rivista di Estetica”, of “Critique”, of “Círculo Hermenéutico editorial” and of the “Revue francophone d’esthétique”. He wrote almost sixty books that have been translated into several languages. He has worked in the field of Aesthetics, Hermeneutics, and Social Ontology, attaching his name to the theory of Documentality and contemporary New Realism.
Enrico Terrone
Enrico Terrone is Juan de la Cierva Postdoctoral Fellow at LOGOS Research Group in Analytic Philosophy, Universitat de Barcelona. His primary area of research is philosophy of film. His recent books include Filosofia del film (2014) and Filosofia dell’ingegneria (201 9). He has published papers on international journals such as “British Journal of Aesthetics”, “Erkenntnis”, “Philosophy of the Social Sciences”